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Please consider joining our Heart of Giving Program! Using the link, select a giving amount that works for your personal budget and make a meaningful commitment to SVDP MKE on a monthly basis! 

Donation Resources & Guidelines:


Thank you for supporting SVDP Milwaukee! Your donation is secure and makes a lasting impact on the work we do and the Milwaukee community in which we serve.


Click here to make a donation.


The Society accepts gifts of all kinds including; cash, marketable securities, life insurance, estates, property, etc.  


If giving gifts other than cash, please call our office at (414) 462-7837 before designating SVDP as the beneficiary.


If you would like your gift to support a specific program, please specify this when you send your gift.

You can donate online using the above link or mail your gift to:

St. Vincent de Paul Society of Milwaukee
PO Box 26537
Milwaukee, WI 53226  


DONATE YOUR CAR: Click here to donate your automobile to St. Vincent de Paul Society of Milwaukee. Please indicate that you would like the proceeds to benefit Milwaukee.


DONATE CLOTHING, HOUSEHOLD ITEMS AND FURNITURE: Through donated merchandise from the community at large, the SVDP thrift stores provide low-cost merchandise to budget-conscious, and low-income shoppers and also benefit the poor in a number of ways, including fulfillment of certificates for clothing and household merchandise, which are issued by volunteers during the Neighbors Helping Neighbors home visitations.


To find out what items we will send a truck for a FREE PICKUP, or for the location of the drop-off box nearest you in Milwaukee County, please call (414) 462-7863 or email Cindy




DONATE CLEANING AND SERVING SUPPLIES: Our Meal programs can never get enough items such as hot sauce, salt, and pepper packets, napkins, plastic-wrapped silverware kits (required for safety during COVID-19), etc... If you would like to donate these or other supplies, please contact the Council Office at (414) 462-7837.

Drop-Off Locations



Planned Giving


LEAVE A LEGACY: Make a Difference in the Lives that Follow


What You Should Know:


You can make a legacy gift to charity. Whether you think of yourself as rich or poor, or somewhere in between, your gift can make a difference. Even a small amount can have a big impact over time.


You can leave money to your family and to your favorite charity. Some people think that they must choose between leaving a gift to their family or their charities. You can do both, and some charitable gifts may actually save your family money by decreasing inheritance taxes.


You Can Start Today:

  • Make sure you have an up-to-date will (or living trust) that reflects your charitable objectives. Without these documents, you surrender control of your property and assets to the courts.
  • Contact your financial advisor and ask for help in establishing a charitable gift. 
  • Think beyond cash - you can leave stocks, real estate, insurance policies, and personal property to charitable organizations.
  • Make SVDP a beneficiary of your life insurance, pension plan, or IRA.


For more information on how you can join us in our work to fight poverty and hunger, contact, Becca Surges, Director of Philanthropy. She will be happy to answer your questions. Contact her at 414-462-7837. Email her at




St. Vincent de Paul Society of Milwaukee is committed to respecting the privacy of its donors. St. Vincent de Paul Society of Milwaukee has developed this Policy on Use of Personal Information of Donors to assure donors that their personal information will not be sold or rented to, or exchanged with, any third party.


Awareness:  St. Vincent de Paul Society of Milwaukee provides this Policy on Use of Personal Information of Donors to make donors aware of its privacy policy, and to inform donors of the way their information is used. 

St. Vincent de Paul Society of Milwaukee also provides donors with the opportunity to remove their names from its mailing lists, if they choose.   Information Collected:   These are the types of personal information that St. Vincent de Paul Society of Milwaukee collects and maintains:


  • Contact information: name, complete address, phone number, email address;

  • Gift amount, date, and any gift restrictions requested by the donor

  • Requests to receive event invitations, newsletters, and other periodic updates


How Information Is Used:  St. Vincent de Paul Society of Milwaukee uses this information to understand donors' needs, to provide better service, and to offer alternative methods for donors to express their support for the mission of the Society. Specifically, St. Vincent de Paul Society of Milwaukee uses information to help donors complete their transactions, to communicate with donors, to update donors on events and achievements by St. Vincent de Paul Society of Milwaukee, to provide information on volunteer opportunities, and to contact donors periodically to determine their interest in providing additional support for St. Vincent De Paul Society of Milwaukee.


No Sale, Rent, or Exchange of Personal Information:  St. Vincent De Paul Society of Milwaukee does not sell, rent, or exchange donors' personal information. St. Vincent De Paul Society of Milwaukee uses donors' personal information for its internal purposes only, to advance the charitable mission and activities of St. Vincent De Paul Society of Milwaukee.


Publication of Names:  On occasion, St. Vincent De Paul Society of Milwaukee lists the names of its donors in its annual report or other publications. Donors may contact St. Vincent De Paul Society of Milwaukee to request that they not be included in such lists.


Removing Donors' Names from St. Vincent De Paul Society of Milwaukee’s Mailing List:  It is St. Vincent De Paul Society of Milwaukee's desire not to send unwanted mail to its donors.  Donors may contact St. Vincent De Paul Society Of Milwaukee if they wish to be removed from its mailing list.


Contacting St. Vincent De Paul Society of Milwaukee:  Donors who have comments or questions about St. Vincent de Paul’s Society’s Policy on Use of Personal Information of Donors may send St. Vincent De Paul Society of Milwaukee an email to, or call Michelle Martin, Director of Finance at 414-462-7837.  


Coming soon!


My eBay Sales Support Charity 


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Contact Us

Tel: 414-462-7837
PO BOX 26537


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